Kokam/Punarpuli Juice/Sherbet

          The outer cover of fruit is dried in the sun to get aamsul or kokam. It is also known as bhirand in Konkani and punarpuli/muragalu in Kannada.

          It is used as a staple souring agent typically in Goan cuisine and some parts of  Maharashtra and Karnataka. Kokum yields a peculiar flavour and blackish red colour. As a souring agent, it is used as an alternative to tamarind in curries and other dishes.   
         A plenty of  Kokam trees available in my native place  (Malnad). I remember in my childhood days my grandmom using this trees Gum for making seafood instead of tamarind .  We ate a lot of Kokam fruits in those days.

        Kokam is perfect for reducing heat and inflammation , it is an ideal anti - dote for pitta dosa.  Counter acidity and relieve sunstroke .  Kokum holds great anti-obesity factors. It lowers the risk of cholesterol and also kills the growth of fatty acids consequently resulting in controlled weight of a person.

Ingredients :
Dry Kokam pieces-3-4
Water -1 glass
Sugar -2ts
Lemon juice - optional 
Mint leaves - optional 

Method :
1. Soak dry kokam until it will become  soft.
2. Squeeze well and remove juice or grind and strain ,add required water . 
3. Add sugar,lemon juice mix it.
4. Add ice cubes and serve Kokam/Punarpuli  juice/Sherbet cold.

  • Kokam syrup also available in markets now for easier recipe . 

Be cool....!!!!😎 In these summer days . ..


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