Neer Dosa
Neer Dosa is a common recipe in South karnataka homes.It's easy to make and healthy too. You can make tastier recipe in short time.Neer dosa also known as traditional dish. In udupi- mangalore kori- roti and kori sambar - Neer Dosa is a popular dish. It's a awesome combination.Even Neer dosa goes well with all sambar ,Chutneys. In our childhood days we ate Neer Dosa with freshly grated coconut and jagger mix,It's really yummy...😋.Neer dosa is a fluffy soft dish ,kids like very much.Preparation time : 6 hr cooking time : 10 mnts
Ingredients :
Rice - 1 cup
Fresh grated coconut - 1/4 cup
Water - required
Salt - to taste
Method :
1. Grind Rice,Coconut with some water to a fine paste.
2. Transfer to a bowl,add salt and more water.
3. The batter consistency should be Runny.
4. Take a Iron tava ,spread dosa batter equally .
5. Dosa will comes like paper.
6. Cook onside only,flip and fold just remove it.
1. Dosa can make without coconut.
2. Iron tava is suitable for Neer dosa,otherwise you can use normal nonstick dosa tava.